Friday, December 28, 2007

The Deception Continues

Well, long time since I've posted but I finally received my money that I paid in although there are still many that have not although they have requested it time and time again. Not only do they not pay up, but they have but have the guts and gal to start up yet another company and sent me an email wanting me to join yet another deceptive program they have. I will just use my common sense and stay with Yorgoo and the "Magic Search Formula" that works and pays instead of something that doesn't. I will stick with someone that supports you in time of need instead of someone that deserts you when things go wrong. I will stay with someone that tells me the TRUTH instead of the LIES you have told from the beginning and still telling. So you keep your NetAudioAds and I will keep Yorgoo, Magic Search Formula, and Ycademy (our Business Building School) If any of you had any true business instinct about you, you would have done what was true and right from the beginning. I feel sorry for the ones that do sign up under you in the new program.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Lies and Deception Goes On

Well, this company does not care about their reputation as I waited patiently for payment and wrote an email to Larry Host telling him that I was requesting my monies back and still no word or even a reply. WATCH OUT FOR THE SCAM! They take your money to be an affiliate and are goody goody 2 you as long as you are making payments to them. I stipped my payments to them in Sept after learning of what was coming down and now they won't even respond to an email! How crooked can one company be? If anyone has had dealings with them, please contact me so we can shut them down. We don't want harm anyone else. Please help the unfortunate.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Voice2page Takes Money

In June of 2006 while we were at a 10Khits4u meeting we were presented with a deal or so everyone thought at the time. If we signed up that night we were going to be given so many depending on our status, affiliate or free. Naturally, everyone was signed up with false hopes and promises that they never received. I for one, have never received a dime from Voice2page. I contacted Dave Brundage and he in turn told me to contact Sam by email and then call him. I followed his instructions and spoke with Sam and was told by Sam that they would contact me back within a couple of days. Another one of their so called false truths just like the affiliate program they had promised. They continued trying to convince everyone everything was ok. They are the losers in the end even if they do keep our money as I had rather have my truth and dignity than the money they want to offer. So be it. If they can live with it, more power to it.